How to turn on your hyperfocus

How to turn on your hyperfocus

As much as having ADHD can make it difficult to stay focused, with every possible trigger acting as a distraction, it can also allow us to hyperfocus. This is where we get so involved in a project that we are doing, that nothing can break our concentration. Whereas anyone can get completely absorbed in their work, people with ADHD like myself can become hyperfocused more easily.

When used in business, hyperfocus is a huge strength for entrepreneurs. We get projects done quickly, never lack motivation, and work to optimal efficiency. Unfortunately, hyperfocus isn’t something we can turn on and off like flicking a switch right away, but we can set the optimum environment for our hyperfocus to kick in. Here’s how. 

Step 1: Come prepared

When starting a new project, gather everything you need to complete the project and have the tools close to hand. Nothing stops a project dead in its tracks like realising you don’t have a key component for completing the task. By having everything ready before you start, you’re reducing the number of possible setbacks that could throw you off course.

Step 2: Create the perfect atmosphere

The “perfect” atmosphere varies for each of us. Some of us will prefer to work in total silence, while others become more focused when listening to music. Some of us work best first thing in the morning, while others get more done late at night. Whatever the environment you work your best looks like, replicate this when you are trying to turn on your hyperfocus.

One universal thing we can all do to create a better working atmosphere is to turn off notifications. When trying to turn on our hyperfocus, distractions are detrimental so silence your smartphone or place it in a different room, avoid social media and close your office door after asking colleagues or family members not to interrupt you.

Step 3: Track your time

Before starting on any project, decide how long you want to spend working on it. Try setting an alarm after this time is up, and commit to putting 100% of your effort towards the project in until that point. This can help switch your hyperfocus on.

One of the downsides of hyperfocus is that when we are so involved in the task at hand, we often lose track of time. Therefore, having an alarm set can also ensure we don’t miss any other meetings or appointments as a result of being completely absorbed in our work.

Step 4: Relax and recharge

If you turn on your hyperfocus, don’t forget to relax and recharge afterwards. Putting the maximum amount of effort and using 100% of your brain-power on one task can be mentally exhausting. Make sure you schedule regular breaks so that your brain has a chance to reset, allowing you to stay hyperfocused for the next project on your to do list.

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