overwhelmed adhd business coach

What causes us to feel overwhelmed?

Many people feel overwhelmed at work, but when you have ADHD, feeling overwhelmed is much more common and something that we must know how to cope with. We experience life more intensely than neurotypicals, and feelings of constantly playing catch up are common.

In this article, I will talk through some of the everyday triggers that cause overwhelm and how we can recognise and stop these feelings, to boost our productivity and help us progress towards our overall objectives.

Overly busy environment

Something as simple as being exposed to too many stimuli at once can cause feelings of overwhelm. This could be bright or distracting light, irritating sounds, or unpleasant smells, which affect people with ADHD more than neurotypicals because we cannot filter out our surroundings.

To tackle these situations, the best thing you can do is to be prepared. If you know you’re sensitive to bright lights or loud noises, always carry sunglasses or earbuds with you. Also, if you know there are specific places such as a loud and crowded office which overloads your senses, try working in a quieter place such as a conference room to fight the feeling of overwhelm.

Too many thoughts

While a busy environment can trigger feelings of overwhelm, often people with ADHD can feel suffocated even if they are in a calm atmosphere. This is due to multiple thoughts running around our heads at once, which can make it seem impossible to know which thought to focus on.

If you feel your thoughts running wild, try focusing on your breath and breathing deeply until the waves of overwhelm subside. Writing lists can also be a useful tool to help you gain some structure over your thoughts and prioritise what needs to be done.

Disorganised workspace

Having a disorganised workspace can also trigger overwhelm. Piles of work that needs doing on your desk act as a visual reminder of everything you’ve got to do, which makes us feel stressed. People with ADHD also have hindered short-term memory, and having piles of unnecessary clutter on your desk can cause you to lose things, which in turn could mean you’re late for important meetings. Combined, this can create anxiety and heightened feelings of overwhelm.

Spend each morning decluttering your desk and getting organised to help fight this trigger. Having set homes for all your important items can also limit the number of objects you lose and keep feelings of overwhelm at bay.

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